Monday, November 1, 2010


Dear Readers,

As some of you may know, I am spending the month of February in Rwanda with the Social Action Rwanda track of Year Course. I will be living and working in the Agahozo Shalom Youth Village, located outside of the capital city of Kigali. Agahozo Shalom (ASYV) was established after the Rwandan genocide to aid in the country’s overwhelming epidemic of orphaned and homeless children. In 1994, Rwanda underwent one of the most horrific genocides the world has seen. Nearly one million lives were lost, and over 2.8 million children became orphans as a result of the violence; this number is one of the highest orphan rates in the world. A project of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Agohozo Shalom opened in December 2008 in the Eastern Province of Rwanda; it now provides a safe, nurturing and educational community for up to 500 Rwandan teenagers at a time.

Before I leave for Rwanda, the group of Year Course volunteers with whom I will travel, live and work must raise at least $5,000 for the Village. The money we raise could be put toward a new building project, buying textbooks or the Village’s sustainable agriculture program. Although $5,000 is our goal, I hope to surpass it with your help.

To make a donation and learn more about the village, please visit:

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: You must indicate that the donation is in "support of" Young Judaea Year Course Social Action Rwanda (SAR); otherwise, we will not be credited for the donation and it will not be put toward our goal of $5,000. Also, please include YOUR name so we can thank you all for your generous support when our project is done.

Thank you all for your support, and, as always, thanks for reading.



  1. Hi Elana!

    Sounds like you are having a great time on Year Course! I did YC in 2005-2006 and it was amazing.

    I'm the Community Manager for Masa Israel, and I love your blog. I wanted to invite you to guest post on the Masa Israel blog any time (, and also let you know that if you and your fellow YC participants going to Rwanda want to publish this or a similar letter on our blog, I would be happy to publish it.

    Email me at if you're ever interested in publishing on the blog!

    Enjoy your time in Israel (and Rwanda!)

    Miranda Bogen
    Community Manager
    Masa Israel Journey

  2. Great call to action, Elana.

    Here's my version of the same

  3. Hi Elana, I've been enjoying your blog, and your Rwanda mission sounds laudable. I went and put in a donation. I just wanted to note that it was confusing about how to put in the Year Course info, so you may want to clarify that. I got nearly to the end and had missed the spot, so I had to back all the way up, check the "this is a tribute" check box, then select "Other" for tribute type, and then find the spot to put in "Young Judaea Year Course Social Action Rwanda". (Your Dad had noted the "Other" bit, but I still missed the checkbox the first time.)

    Anyway, donation sent, and I will look forward to updates (if you can) when your adventure continues from Israel to Rwanda!
